गुरुवार, 3 अगस्त 2017

Rakshabhandhan At Balbhavan Jabalpur

Children of Divisional Balbhavan are making Rakhi under the guidance of Ms. Rishm Thakur these days. The children's of balbhavan  will be   Celebrate  rakhi at Balbhavan Jabalpur campus on 5th of August 2017, the Director Balbhavan said that this program is being
organized with the aim of making children aware of the existence of trees and protecting human beings. . These photos are showing trees decorating ... Balbhavana employees

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संभागीय बाल भवन जबलपुर में लाडली लक्ष्मी सप्ताह अंतर्गत आयोजित विभिन्न गतिविधियों लाडली लक्ष्मी हितग्राही बालिकाओं द्वारा बढ़ चढ...